Welcome to my blog!!!

I have collected baseball cards and autographs over the years. I still have boxes full of cards (as well as newer cards) that are just sitting there. So, I have decided to see how many of them I can get autographed. I use through the mail as my preferred route for this adventure. I also have an account on Zistle and The Trading Card Database for trading purposes (stevienicks77).

Thursday, August 31, 2023

August TTMs

Don Carmen
Signed 3/3
Sent c/o Home address
41 days

Franklin Stubbs
Signed 3/3
Sent c/o Home address
14 days

Scott Terry
Signed 2/2
Sent c/o Home address
17 days

Jim Jensen
Signed 2/2
Sent c/o Home address
7 days

Monday, August 21, 2023


I actually saw some 2023 Topps Chrome blaster boxes for sale.  I slightly hesitated at the price, but I'm forever a sucker.  Needless to say, I have some regrets after buying this blaster box.

First card

2nd pack

3rd pack

4th pack

5th pack

6th pack

7th pack


I am going to try to collect this insert set


Will add this to my Royals mega collection



Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I found it on eBay!

I think I saw some old 1980's tv show trading cards on Twitter, and I thought to myself, I'd like to have some of those.  I have two shows in mind; Dukes of Hazzard and Dallas.  I've achieved one of these - Dallas!  This was a package of 7 unopened packs.  Well, I just had to open one!  I plan to display one of the packs and the JR card below.


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

TCDB trade with walkingshadow

Another small PWE trade, but well worth it! 

Favorite card of the trade.

Getting closer to the set completion one card at a time!