Since the card market didn't get any better throughout the year, I decided to take the money I'd normally spend on a $20 blaster, and take my cash to Sportslots. My goal was to buy stuff I need for my mega collections. Since I have temporarily stopped doing TCDB, I needed a card fix! Unfortunately, we have not made any progress on moving to Omaha, so I'm going to pull out my card collection again. I had put it all away to be ready to move and to show the house. The realtors told us to put it away because it may "walk away." Anyway, here is just a sampling of what I've been buying:
Main set and Insert set needs:
Royals mega collection
Cubs mega collection
Iowans in the MLB
Omaha Lancers hockey alumni
College baseball alumni
Iowa Hawkeye football alumni
Iowa Hawkeye basketball alumni
Thinking about getting into some football PC collections