Welcome to my blog!!!

I have collected baseball cards and autographs over the years. I still have boxes full of cards (as well as newer cards) that are just sitting there. So, I have decided to see how many of them I can get autographed. I use through the mail as my preferred route for this adventure. I also have an account on Zistle and The Trading Card Database for trading purposes (stevienicks77).

Monday, September 22, 2014

Zistle trade with Rsgreen55

I've been so busy, I haven't had time to update my blog as much as I would like.  I actually completed this Zistle trade awhile ago, but I just haven't had the chance to get the cards scanned to show off.  Rsgreen55 is a another trade partner who has helped me out before.

Some Cards for my team collections:


A few Royals for my PC's:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

TTM trade!!!

I was contacted about making a TTM trade via a fellow blogger, Spiff.  His blog is over at Texas Rangers Cards.  He contacted me about some Cubs autographs he had, and I offered up some of my Rangers.  I was excited about this because I had tried twice to get Mike Harkey, but have had no response.  Here's the goods:

He was also kind enough to send some Cubbies my way:

I was really excited about this card when I opened up the package.  I have never seen this card before, so it's a awesome addition to my Mark Grace PC.

Thanks Spiff!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tommy Medica

Tommy Medica currently plays for the San Diego Padres.  He spent a little time in the minors this year, but has spent most of the year in San Diego.

Tommy Medica
Signed 2/2
Sent c/o San Diego Padres
14 days

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Long lost return!

This was a TTM I had written off!  725 days!!!

Glenallen Hill
Signed 3/3
Sent c/o Colorado Rockies
725 days

Friday, September 12, 2014

John Jaso

Quick return this week from John Jaso.  He's currently with the free falling A's.  I would really like to see Oakland return to the playoffs, but it seems the trade deadline and wavier moves they made are not going to be enough.

John Jaso
Signed 1/1
Sent c/o Oakland A's
18 days

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Just Commons purchase

I was able to visit my LCS this spring and get pretty close to finishing up 2010 Bowman Draft Picks and Prospects.  I want to make some headway now on 2010 Topps Pro Debut.  My LCS didn't have any boxes of Pro Debut to look through, so I have decided to buy a few of my needs off the Internet.  This was my first purchase from Just Commons.  I am pretty satisfied, with just one card looking a little less than perfect, but it's not bad.  Here are a few of the notable cards I got:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Jason Hursh

I finally had the time the last couple of weeks to get caught up on some trades and mailing out a few more TTMs before the end of the season.  I got this one back pretty quickly from Jason Hursh.  He was drafted in the 1st round last year by the Braves.  He has spent all year with Mississippi, posting a 11-7 record, 3.58 ERA, and 83 strike outs.

Jason Hursh
Signed 2/2
Sent c/o Mississippi Braves
11 days

Monday, September 1, 2014

Oldies but goodies

I recently completed a Zistle trade with sorphan10.  It was a small trade filled with old school cards on my side of the deal.

Everyone wanted THIS card back in the day.  It only took me 28 years to get it!

Next up, some old George Brett.  The Studio card is in a penny sleeve with a price written on it; that is not damage to the card!  Bad scan on my part.