Welcome to my blog!!!

I have collected baseball cards and autographs over the years. I still have boxes full of cards (as well as newer cards) that are just sitting there. So, I have decided to see how many of them I can get autographed. I use through the mail as my preferred route for this adventure. I also have an account on Zistle and The Trading Card Database for trading purposes (stevienicks77).

Monday, January 1, 2018

Mike Montgomery

The holiday season has treated me well in regards to TTM.  My mailbox has been slow, partially due to the large batch I sent out in August and September with a trickle of responses from that batch.  One of the batch is Mike Montgomery, pitcher for the Cubs, former Royal.  Best of both worlds, right?

Mike Montgomery
Signed 2/2
Sent c/o Chicago Cubs
133 days

1 comment:

  1. The guy who closed out the first World Series win for the Cubs in over a century? Not a bad get!!
